About Us

The Flight PCR is a group of medically trained clinicians currently working within the NHS, with over a decade of experience, our pathology department has been providing high quality pathology services to the NHS, General Practitioners and the independent sector for over 30 years.

How we Protect You?

Test Procedure

Your swab should only take 5 minutes, this involves collecting a clinical sample of nasal secretions from the back of the nose and throat. Both tests are virtually pain free - however, a little discomfort may be experienced. Your sample is then analysed using a PCR (Polymerase chain reaction) test, which is able to pick up genetic material related to COVID-19. Our test shows a minimum sensitivity of 98% and a specificity of 100%. Book your PCR test with confidence.

Wet your hands

Apply soap

Rub hands palm to palm

Rub your dorsums

Rub between fingers

Rub the back of the fingers

Rotation rub the thumbs

Rub the tip of the fingers

Rinse with water

Your hands are clean

Same-Day Covid-19 PCR Test Starts From £149.

For more details please call at 07883562024





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